Habits of Successful Students

You see, habits are patterns of behaviour we consciously or unconsciously develop. And if we can consciously develop them, we can as well replace them. You can replace bad habits with good ones. You need to make conscious enough to replace unprofitable habit with profitable ones because your habits determine your future. 

With the right habit you can be a very successful student; success beyond your widest dream, just get the right habit. To be successful, you must realise that you are your habits; they are responsible for up to 90 percent of your behaviour. Habits guide your actions and reactions and they are the reflection people see in you. Like odour, habits are what people perceive before they see you. 

I heard once that; Wealthy people have wealthy habits; ask them Healthy people have healthy habits; observe them Weird people have weird habits; it’s obvious Happy people have figured out what makes them happy and they practise it daily. Which is to say they made it a habit. The habit you develop from this day forward will ultimately determine how your future works out; successful or not successful, healthy or unhealthy, happy or miserable, rich or poor etc. What you do daily or what you choose to practise determines what you will become. You must understand that life is made up habits; it might just be the most important thing you ever know. Embossed it into your consciousness. 

 The people you hang around with and the environment you live in greatly influence your habits. 
 Be careful to develop the habits you want (profitable habits). 
 Refuse to allow a negative environment or other people to influence you with their bad habits; choose what you practise. School is a potential training ground for developing habits, good or bad. 

However, it was designed to be your personal training ground for developing successful habits. School gives you the opportunity and time to create good training routine for yourself. I must warn you however that creating successful habits takes time and discipline, but once a new habit is developed it becomes part of your normal behaviour and will be harder to break than to keep. 

“A little neglect may breed mischief,...for want of a nail, the shoe was lost; for want of a shoe the horse was lost; and for want of a horse the rider was lost,” were the words of Benjamin Franklin. And I will need to take them very seriously. 

Don’t joke with the little, little things that make up your habits, they actually control your ultimate outcome. Learn and make the following success habits and you wouldn’t have to worry about academic success another day.

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